
At Chabad of Stamford March 13-14 2025


It is a special Mitzvah to give gifts of food to friends, traditionally known as Mishloach Manot or Shalach Manos. For the 22nd year, Chabad of Stamford and Gan Yeladim will be sharing our Shalach Manos Purim Project with the community.

This year 1000 homes in Stamford will receive a very special package for Purim Day. BE A PART OF IT! 

The purpose of Shalach Manos is friendship and connection - something we all need at this time! You select families from our member list that you would like to send a Shalach Manos Package and your name and personal greeting will be added on the greeting card that accompanies the gift. You can also choose from the option to pick up your Shalach Manos Gift and/or those of your friends and neighbors to spread the joy and unity in among your community

For more information please email programs@stamfordchabad.org 


Purim has 4 special mitzvos through which we celebrate this special holiday, join the Chabad of Stamford community for some or all of these Mitzvot!

The 4 Mitzvot are:

Hear the Megillah the eve and day of Purim

Give gifts of food to a friend

Give money to two poor people

Have a Purim Feast

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