Loaves of Love

Loaves of Love

Loaves of Love is a project to share love and community with families who need it most, whether it is to a new parent, new neighbor, someone sitting Shiva or going through a crisis, or just because!

Loaves of Love prepares and delivers free `Loaves of Love' care packages which include fresh Challah and chicken soup or you can order full Shabbat and weekday meals at your request.

Please submit your order for meals at least 3 days in advance so we can prepare accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation and support!


You made my husbands day. He's been sick since Monday and hasn't eaten.  Just before you came, he said matzah ball soup sounded good! Thank you so much for the delicious loaves of love package!  Shabbat shalom!

We just arrived home from running errands and noticed the pink package on our door knob.  We were delighted and so grateful that you thought of us.  For me,(with all the many mitzavahs you do) you define what Chabad is all about, and I feel privileged to know you..  We have met the most beautiful people by being connected to Chabad, and it has added a new dimension and direction in our lives.  Thanks again. 

I was just getting back to my office and see a beautiful pink bag waiting for me on my desk. It was your shipping… It absolutely made my day!!!! Thank you so much for it. It is so nice and unexpected and it make me feel so good!

Thank you thank you thank you!  What a pleasant surprise to come home today and fine your challahs and soup.  We are going to so enjoy it all tonight. 

Thank you so much for the fantastic soup and TLC . I never realized until I was a recipient that Loaves of Love is the heart of our community. The way you care for our needs - body and soul -is simply remarkable. Food - art - music - prayer - you do it all!

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