Betsy's Buddies, Grandfriends and Savta Sheli


Betsy’s Buddies is geared to facilitate one-on-one visits between volunteers and home-bound members in our community. This companionship program will pair people with mutual values and interest in the hopes of building a mutually rewarding relationship for both the volunteers and their buddy. Named in memory of Betsy Polakoff, OBM, a lifelong, avid member of Hadassah and benefactor of Chabad of Stamford.

Chabad of Stamford is excited to be running Betsy’s Buddies Program in memory of Betsy Polakoff, OBM, a lifelong, avid member of Hadassah and benefactor of Chabad of Stamford.


An opportunity for the older generation to inspire and give to the younger generation with our monthly Savta Sheli Shabbat Program - encouraging grandparents to bring their grandchildren to Shul for a rich intergenerational experience. Shabbat morning, monthly at 10:30am


Imagine a world where young and old meet and taste the richness of life that knows no age limits. Welcome to Chabad of Stamford’s newest initiative: “Grandfriends”. This initiative will feature intergenerational events with our youngest, oldest and everyone in between! Creating magical friendships through carefully planned activities and creative interactions, paving the way for a caring and connected community. ENROLL TODAY TO BECOME A GRANDFRIEND! For more information, check out our website for a volunteer application or contact



A special intergenerational lunch for our “grandfriends” and family and participants of the Betsy’s Buddies program. Monday, December 23rd at 12:00PM at Chabad


Join us for a special intergenerational lunch in celebration of Tu B’Shevat.  Thursday, February 13 at 12:00PM



September 21 |  October 19 | November 16 | December 14 |  January 11 | February 8 | March 8 April 26 | May 17 | June 14


Even in a vibrant, multifaceted community like ours, a person can become isolated for numerous reasons. We believe it can and should be different.  Volunteer for Betsy's Buddies to help make this difference!

Suggest A Buddy Know. Someone who can use another friend in their life? Someone elderly,  someone dealing with an illness or for any other reason, fill out this short form and we will pair them with someone.


To call your buddy once a week.  To visit your buddy at least twice a month.  Aside for visitations there are other volunteer opportunities such as shopping, cooking, delivering etc. please note your preferences in the comments.

Questions? Email or call 203-3CHABAD

About our namesake Betsy Polakoff 

Betsy Polakoff was a wonderfully kind woman who was fiercely committed to Jewish causes. A staunch, life long member of Hadassah, she visited Israel on one of their organized trips and spoke about how impressed she was. Betsy always loved when children visited her. She felt it was very healing for her.

Betsy was an excellent accountant and always had a clear mind, Thank G‑d. She always knew exactly what she needed.  

"Last week I went with Shlomo and my baby to deliver food to Betsy.  It was a wonderful experience, we basked in her glory, shared different tales and it was very rewarding!"


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